Label Free Food​
Heal your body and mind naturally  
Label Free Food
Label Free Food is a small organic farm and family which encourages everyone to eat as much food without labels on them as possible. Specifically fresh, organic vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Food that you would find naturally occuring in nature. This was God's intention and what our bodies are designed to run on. Not the "food like" products most Americans are consuming today. I say food like because it is so processed that it contains no nutritional value at all. Label free food is commited to growing and providing the finest organic produce we can. Food that is loaded with nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your body needs to thrive. The benefits of eating a plant based, whole foods diet are endless. The positive impacts on our health and wellbeing, humanity as a whole, and our planet are enourmous. So I would be honored if you joined us on this quest to achieve extraordinary health for our bodies and our minds. The future of humanity and our planet is paramount. We must be the generation that makes this essential change...and if we all join together, we will! 
  1. Description Title
    Align Health & Wellness
    Our partner website. Getting people on the path to extraordinary health and wellness
  2. Description Title
    Plant Pure Communities
    Join my local pod of Plant Pure Communities. A grassroots movement founded by Nelson Campbell to help build stronger, healthier, more sustainable communities.
  3. Plant Pure Nation
    Plant Pure Nation
    This is the national website for Plant Pure Nation. Helping people understand the importance of a whole foods, plant based diet and the health benifits that comes with it.
  4. Raw Food for Life
    Raw Food for Life
    Here is an amazing website founded by a couple from down under whos major focus is the wellbeing of all life on our planet.
  5. Hippocrates Health Inst.
    Hippocrates Health Inst.
    One of the worlds leading health and wellness institutes. Healing people for over 60 years with amazing results.
  6. Description Title
    The Gerson Institute
    Max Gerson was a MD/scientist curing cancer in the 1940's with proper diet and nutrition. Today his daughter Charlotte continues his legacy. This is a link to their amazing institute.
  7. Back to Eden Gardening
    Back to Eden
    Gardening the way the Creator intended it to be! Paul Gautschi shows us how easy gardening can be if we just listen to nature and the Creator! The key is wood chips and no tilling. Yea!
    Watch the documentary.
  8. Dr. Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM
    Micheal Greger, MD FACLM
    Dr. Micheal Greger's website jam packed with tons of information, videos, and science based evidence!